Why Claudia Kishi Forever?

The first character I truly fell in love with was Claudia Kishi from Ann M. Martin's The Baby-Sitters Club. I skimmed through the pages of each new book in the series to find scenes that included her, needing to learn as much as possible about Claudia before returning to the first page to read the novel from start to finish. I was fascinated by her style of dress, her art, her relationships with Mimi and Mean Janine, and her Japanese culture and traditions. As a creative child with a bossy older sister who was all about STEM, I related to some of Claudia's challenges. I loved to experiment with bold clothing and accessories as well, a love that's stayed with me. I also learned a great deal from Claudia, as the elementary school I attended was predominantly white. This combination of deeply relating to a character, while simultaneously being invited by that character to expand my worldview, was what made her both memorable and necessary. Although there are many characters I've since fallen in love with, Claudia Kishi will always hold a special place in my heart because she was the first, hence Claudia Kishi Forever. <3

At Claudia Kishi Forever, our team is dedicated to helping writers edit and pitch their manuscripts in such a way that their characters, settings, and plots will leave lasting impressions like this on agents and, ultimately,  readers. Let us help you get your book ready for the world. We offer a wide range of services designed to help writers get their manuscripts ready for self-publishing or querying literary agents. While the services below are our standard offerings, we are willing to work with clients to develop a plan that best suits their financial and writing needs. Reach out to us at theclaudiakishiforeverproject@gmail.com to submit work or begin a conversation.


1.5 cents per word (50,000 words = $750) 

​An editor will read your full manuscript, reviewing your spelling, grammar, sentence structure, word choice, and formatting. This package does not include feedback on content. ​

Beta Reader  

2 cents per word (50,000 words = $1000)  

​An editor will read your full manuscript, providing feedback on plot, pacing, characters, setting, structure, and voice. While this service does not include line edits (though your editor might comment on some), your editor will give you a very good sense of what's working well in your manuscript, as well as what still needs work.


2.5 cents per word (50,000 words = $1250)

An editor will provide help with fact-checking for details like dates, locations, historical references, and so forth.

Sample Pages


This service is designed for writers who are getting ready to query agents. An editor will provide line edits and detailed feedback on the first chapter or up to 30 pages of work. It is crucial that opening lines and pages pop, as often this is all agents will see before deciding whether or not to request a full manuscript.

Elevator Pitch


Before going to that conference or meeting with that agent, perfect your elevator pitch. You have just a few short minutes to get this right. We will provide mock agent meetings over Zoom.

Query Letter 


​In order for a manuscript to get out of the slush pile and in an agent's hands, you need to perfect your query letter. An editor will provide line edits and detailed feedback on your query to help.

Miscellaneous Projects

Starting at $100

If you have a smaller project that is 5000 words or less, such as a short story or essay, this is a great option to receive both line and developmental edits. There also is the option to revise and have a follow-up consultation with an editor.

Writing Coach 

Sliding price depending on the number of meetings

​​This package includes Zoom meetings to provide one-on-one feedback as you write.